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to Edna Township

in Otter Tail County, Minnesota


News & Announcements

Filing Period Notice

Filing for one Supervisor for a three-year term, and one Treasurer for a two-year term will begin on December 31, 2024 and continue until 5pm on January 14, 2025.  The Clerk will be at her home from 1-5pm on January 14 and other times by appointment. The filing fee is $2.00.

Echo Dockter, Clerk
(218) 234-9129

New .gov Township Website Address

We recently added the new, official .gov domain to our website. The "old" domain will continue to work until 3/31/25 but will go away after that. Please update your bookmarks and let us know if you have any questions. 

Please Keep Snow Off Roads

It is illegal to deposit snow or ice in a public road right of way.  Doing so can increase plowing costs and create a safety hazard.

Meeting Minutes

Edna Township meeting minutes dating back to April 2011.

Financial Reports

Edna Township financial reports dating back to December 1997.

Forms & Policies

Edna Township forms & policies for roads, snow removal and more.

2025 Meetings

Township meetings are typically held at the Dent Community Center.  Meetings start promptly at 7 p.m.  All meetings are open to the public.  To submit an agenda item, please contact Echo Dockter at least one week prior to the meeting.

January 14 (2nd Tuesday)
February 18
March 11 Annual Meeting 
March 25 (4th Tuesday)
April 15
May 20

June 17
July 15
August 19
September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16


Current Township Board

Echo Dockter, Clerk
Ben Bucholz, Supervisor
Karen Marthaler, Treasurer

Keith Brooke


Echo Dockter


Ben Bucholz

Supervisor, Chairman

Karen Marthaler


Kenny Moenkedick


Edna Township_May 2016
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